Monday, December 15, 2008

Michael & Angela's Proposal

We had the privilege of shooting a proposal last night! It was so romantic and perfect and memorable. Kevin and Kyle were busy shooting away and I stood in the background with tears in my eyes.

Here's the story. Kevin's friend, Libby, contacted him about doing some photography for her brother, Michael. Michael was planning on proposing to his girlfriend and he wanted to capture it in photographs. Of course we were thrilled about this opportunity. So last week we met with Michael and Libby to discuss the details. We met them at Lake Calhoun where he wanted the proposal to take place. He found the perfect spot next to the lake with the city in the background. He was picking up the ring on Friday and wanted the proposal to take place on Sunday. At 3:30pm on Sunday Kyle, Kevin, and I met Libby and her mom at the scene to get set up. They brought luminaries that we set up into a trail that led to a circle. As we were preparing this, Michael was working on getting his girlfriend, Angela, to "go on a walk" around Lake Calhoun. With the cold temperatures (wind chill was sub zero), wind, and snow, I would love to hear how willing she was to do it...or what he did to persuade her to venture out. Around 4:30 we got the call that they were on their way. Libby and her mom quickly left and I finished lighting candles and setting up. Kevin and Kyle were taking test shots when Michael and Angela walked by. To get them to stop we asked them for a "favor"..."we're doing a photo shoot for a couple in about 30 minutes and we need to make sure everything is set up, we've never done this before, we're scrambling, and we want to make sure the pictures will turn out." They agreed. We had them walk through the luminaries, stand in the circle, and then walk through again. Kyle said, "I know this is weird, but could you just get down on one knee and..." at this point Angela started laughing and said "I know what's going on!!!" That's when Michael pulled out the ring, said a few words, and asked her. It was beautiful!

Kyle and Kevin got some great shots. I'm so happy we got to do this for Michael and Angela. I remember how happy and excited I was when Kyle asked's fun to think about what she's going through right now. Doing this proposal shoot for them makes us excited for our future in this wedding photography adventure. Thanks Michael, for asking us to be a part of this! Congratulations to you both!!

Here are a few of my favorites.

Libby and her mom getting the scene ready.




Putting the ring on.

After. I LOVE it! Look at her face...the excitement...he is squeezing her so tight.

Officially engaged! Congratulations Michael and Angela!!! You have so much to look forward to!

A beautiful close up of the luminaries.

Monday, December 1, 2008

612 Studios Wedding Photography

Introducing 612 Studios! We specialize in wedding photography; capturing those once in a lifetime moments to be remembered forever.

Contact us at